The IEC 61439 standard is crucial for ensuring the safety, reliability, and efficiency of low-voltage switchgear and control gear assemblies. This standard outlines the design, manufacture, and verification processes that panel builders must adhere to, ensuring that the final product can safely manage electrical loads under various operating conditions.

What is IEC 61439?

IEC 61439 is an international standard that specifies the requirements for low-voltage switchgear and control gear assemblies. These assemblies include power distribution boards, motor control centers, and other electrical panels that play a vital role in managing electricity within industrial, commercial, and residential buildings. Compliance with IEC 61439 ensures that these assemblies are safe to operate, reliable under normal and fault conditions, and capable of maintaining performance over time.

What is IEC 61439?

Why is Compliance Important?

Compliance with IEC 61439 is not just a regulatory requirement but also a critical factor in ensuring the safety and longevity of electrical installations. Non-compliance can lead to equipment failure, electrical fires, and other hazards. Therefore, it is essential to choose panel builders who strictly follow the IEC 61439 standard.

Which Panel Builders Comply with IEC 61439?

Several reputable panel builders comply with the IEC 61439 standard, providing reliable and high-quality low-voltage switchgear and control gear assemblies. These builders have established processes and systems to design, manufacture, and test their products according to the stringent requirements of IEC 61439.

One such solution provider is PIMA, offering iec61439 power panels that meet the highest standards of safety and performance. They collaborate with industry-leading technology partners to deliver panels that not only comply with IEC 61439 but also cater to the specific needs of various sectors.

Which Panel Builders Comply with IEC 61439?

When selecting a panel builder, it’s essential to verify their compliance with IEC 61439. This can be done by checking their certification, examining their design and testing processes, and reviewing case studies or references from previous clients.


Compliance with the IEC 61439 standard is a critical aspect of ensuring the safety and reliability of low-voltage switchgear and control gear assemblies. By choosing panel builders who adhere to this standard, businesses can safeguard their electrical installations and ensure long-term operational efficiency. Always look for panel builders who are transparent about their compliance and can demonstrate their commitment to meeting the highest industry standards.